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Convert insoluble salts to re-hydratable, high grade nutrition containing amino acids, glycolates (sugars – new to the added diet) and other proprietary ingredients.


Releasing bound nutrition, restoring infiltration, creating pathways for water, nutrition and oxygen.

Disassociate complexes of chlorides, sodium, calcium and iron. 


Detoxify the chlorotic effects of sodium through the vegetation without the need for organic matter or flushing away from the root zones with heavy weak acids like phosphoric.


You're likely accustomed to lowering pH and adding gypsum as a normal routine. You’ve also likely observed over the past 3 years the soils getting hard, less water penetration, more runoff and more watering frequency. This is the cementation of the soil and it’s getting worse with every watering of acid and application of gypsum. It gets even worse as the underlying soils begin to turn biologically compromised (sulfate and iron reducing bacteria and moreover the slimes they produce called polysaccharide), anaerobic (depleted of oxygen), as the soils become compromised by bacteria and bio-films which are not detected in water, soil and tissue analyses but by root zone biological inspections for sulfate reducing bacteria (root rot), iron reducing bacteria and manganese bacteria. Moreover, unfavorable bacteria produce slimes that repel just about everything including water, acid and even oxygen, while some produce toxic acids and gasses.


A UC Davis Chemwiki study shows that as the strong sulfurous acidified cations concentrate as the water is consumed and evaporates, the minerals re-absorb the bicarbonates and form denser crystals than the acid is able to dissolve. Therefore, insoluble crystals, which soluble would be nutrition, build up, hindering the infiltration/transportation of water, nutrition, as well as oxygen, in turn causing a host of more problems stemming from biology, slimes and anoxicity. Plants are what they can drink! If we are not providing a healthy, "available" cocktail with hydration and "on demand" – stress ensues, hindering vegetation vitality. And when we do get water down, provided the biofilms are not restrictive, the most soluble nutrients are toxins; sodium and chloride.


Furthermore, when the nutrients, minerals, metals, oxygen and water, are not consumed, and evaporation to dryness occurs, what is their fate not only in the soil but within the plant from root to petals? Crystallization. When the plant is rehydrated do the elements re-hydrate or do they crystalize within the plant, like they do in the soil, and hinder nutrient flow and absorption? They can and usually do, which we change evidenced by uniformity of growth and heat tolerance with less water use.  We see uniformity in all forms of agronomy. We see heat stress tolerance, even with pine trees in boxes pushing all summer long on less water in the Arizona outdoors at nurseries. We attribute this to continual available hydration with adequate available nutrition, even the more insoluble salts of calcium and phosphate – while disassociating the more soluble toxins for either flushing or detoxification.


This is just one phase of the WaterSOLV Program, converting insoluble salts to re-hydratable, higher grade nutrition containing amino acids, glycolates (sugars – new to the added diet) and other proprietary ingredients. The trickle-down effects are significant – releasing bound nutrition, restoring infiltration, creating pathways for water, nutrition and oxygen, disassociating complexes of chlorides, sodium, calcium and iron, detoxifying the chlorotic effects of sodium through the vegetation without the need for organic matter or pushing elements way from the root zones with heavy weak acids like phosphoric.


Other key words; The program is “Sustainable”, the "Fate" of the additives are sustainable and beneficial. The safety of the product is remarkably better than alternative acids including sulfurous acids, like sulfuric and N-pHuric. Added values include no more gypsum, no more sulfuric acid, 1/10th the volume of acid needed, sustainability, remediation of soils, mitigation of anoxicity, more efficient at lower costs, immediate return on investment. The same chemigation equipment may be used.


Whether sand to clay soils, we make elements soluble. Even caliche and shells can be converted to high-grade nutrition with WaterSOLV Curative, provided the bio-films are dealt with if they exist.


For even more detailed commentary; TDS and EC is drinkable by vegetation. Crystallization of TDS / EC occurs through the concentration of the elements and the absorption of bicarbonates (evidenced when dissolving scale in acid and the release of the gasses demonstrated by bubbles) or by the natural valence between ions like magnets, i.e. sodium/chloride – ferric/chloride – calcium/chloride – calcium/carbonate – calcium/phosphate, calcium/sulfate, and so on. As cementation occurs, the soils can go anoxic with the exponential production of bacteria and anaerobic bio-films, black layer,  ensuing root rot and bacteria formation of polysaccharides blocking root uptake of nutrition, water and oxygen. Lower pH may help but temporarily and it does not penetrate bio-films. Adding calcium sulfate (gypsum/drywall), or even calcium or sodium chloride to soils saturated with calcium sulfate doesn’t make sense and after 2-4 years of use you see it in the cementation and deterioration of your soils and vegetation vitality.


Fate & Sustainability – The industry has been doing the best known practices but look at the acetate digestions! Perhaps you’ve seen it in soil analyses? How do we harvest all the bound-up nutrition in the soil to restore our infiltration and transportation? How do we clean up the inner cellular structure of our vegetation? WaterSOLV Curative is one of the components, based on the ammonium acetate chemistry modality, not the reduction of pH by the increase of the hydrogen ion but by the conversion of the complexes into a more suitable forms of available, hydratable, sustainable nutrients - the quasi amino acid, glycolates. The biology also has to be addressed which it appears more organizations are latching onto what we have brought forth but with their own peroxide or peracetic products.


Take a look - You buy some iron, throw it on the ground, water it. How much actually solubilizes, infiltrates and is taken in by the plant under conventional methods? How can we make that iron soluble and to stay soluble, not complex with it’s natural partners like ferric chloride or even iron reducing bacteria and bio-films? How can we need iron, consume iron, get the results, and build up more levels of iron in the soil year over year? This is a clear indication of a growing problem of cementation or biology. Take a look at this video how WaterSOLV Curative converts iron into TDS / EC: 


"Evaporative salts of strong acids, are NOT dissolved by strong acids"

~UC Davis


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Manufacturing  located in Los Angeles, CA and Jacksonville, FL. All orders placed with HCT, LLC at the phone and email address noted herein.


Contact HCT directly for a list of qualified distributors, dealers, representatives, engineers, PCA's and CCA's. 


Well-Klean©, WaterSOLV™, Water Treatment for Agronomy™, Water SOLV™ pHix & WaterSOLV™ Grow are trade names of HCT, LLC, all rights reserved.

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