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What We Thought We Knew About PH: A Whole New Way of Looking at Alkalinity

"I've been using your product for 4 years now and you've completely changed the way we used to manage our water based on pH and sulfuric acid. We've gone from 40 ppm of sulfuric to now 2 ppm WaterSOLV™ Curative, we have moved our pH set point from 6.2 to 7.0, we are applying the chemistry quantitatively versus by pH and using pH just for monitoring and piece of mind."

Changing the Characteristics of Water in Agronomy

"I've never spent less and grown more with less water. Yes, it is break-though and everything you have told me, though it sounded crazy, has been accurate. Simply the most amazing thing I have ever seen." - Gary, Tempe AZ

The WaterSOLV Program:

Part I - Minerals - We use one of the strongest and cleanest mineral acids to remove the carbonate (the gasses release when dissolving scale in acid), then our ions attach to the charge of the cation and stay there. That cation, can no longer take on carbonate and therefore when the water goes away, it will not form another type of scale, but stay a ion, whose modified structure in size and chemistry is easier for the plant to uptake and process. Mother nature has also been changed, where the concentration, nucleation and crystallization of mineral scale does not occur. No crystal growing with our modified water.

Part II - Salt and chloride - Our take, the charge of salt will adhere and stay adhered to "everything". Think about the metals in a salt water environment, near the beach. Chloride even gets through powder-coat paint and epoxy to cause metals to corrode. The only way to stabilize sodium and chloride is to stabilize the free electron. Additionally, sodium gets caught up in the matrix of the soils. Break down the matrix, stabilize the salt electron, and it can easily move out of the soil profile with flushing. Treat the sodium in the water and it doesn't have the properties to "stick" around.

Salt Toxicity, without treatment

Without Treatment

With Treatment

Part III - Hydrogen - How do address hydrogen? Some analyses look at it and there's usually 0.0%. Sulfur feeds sulfate reducing bacteria which promotes hydrogen sulfide gas and an anoxic environment. We aerify ponds and turf on gold course, add sand to promote aerification, and it's an ongoing struggle we tend to never get ahead of. What is black matter in soil, anoxic bacteria? What feeds the anoxic bacteria, sulfate? Plants need air too and detrimental, slime (polysaccharide) forming bacteria can be tremendously problematic.

And what does all of this have to do with pH? Exactly, not much.

Salt Toxicity, with treatment

"Somebody was bound to figure it out; the more hardness now, the better. I have moved my pH control point from 6.2 to 6.8, grow more trees per acre, and the plants couldn't look any better, even in dead summer at 120 deg. F. they are pushing - they look like house plants. Simply the most remarkable thing I have ever seen" ~ Rick, AZ

HCT subscribes to the LSI Index – a calculation between pH, TDS, Calcium, Alkalinity and water temperature. The matrix rates the waters tendency to deposit scale or to break down scale. HCT also looks at sulfate and bacteria levels assess their correlation to the process with the water quality.

"The More Hardness Now the Better"

Quantitative Treatment Modality

Hardness + Alkalinity = WaterSOLV Curative, ppm

Total Bacteria, cfu's = WaterSOLV BC, ppm

WaterSOLV Solutions for the mitigation of minerals, salt and bio matter

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