HCT Releases Q-4
New on www.hctllc.com for the support of our technical and sales partners
New Turf Case Studies
Remediating soils chemically, by Robert Oppold of ISTRC.

New Product Pages, including the products for Agriculture, turf and water wells
Product Descriptions, plus downloads for Product Data Sheets, Safety Data Sheets, and the all new Find a Dealer on Google Map
New website function: Find a Dealer
Go to the product pages by Ag, Turf or Wells, and you’ll see the Find a Dealer Icon.
More online services
Nine (9) Video Tutorials on HCT’s Chemigation System for Landscape and Turf.
The FS-1 Switch Box and the new LMI Pumps.
Go to: www.hctllc.com > Resources > Chemigation or click here
GREAT NEWS in water well rehabilitation
Rio Rancho, NM
Intel Water Well Production #2.
Preliminary well flow results 1 Nov 2021
The original Specific Capacity was at 22.6 Gals/PFDD @ 2552 GPM back in 1994
After pump rebuild and brushing well Jan 2021 - 4.27 Gals/PFDD @ 812 GPM
Today after HCT’s rehab Program, pumping 45 Min. - 22.5 Gals/PFDD @ 2812 GPM
The SC could be better down at 2552 GPM, we did not run it there.
According to the data took on 3/7/2021 (just before we took this pump off line) it shows that the well has continued to increase its efficiency after the HCT treatment in 2015 from an average Gal. / Foot of DD of ~36 Ft. to ~55 Gal / Ft. of DD ~52% increase.
GREAT NEWS in Landscape Services
"My client wants to know what fertilizers are used in the product. He’s never seen his home vegetation and turf look so good."
The answer; none. We are just releasing all the nutrition, water minerals and metals complexed in the soil, so they can be consumed by the vegetation. Eventually you’ll need to add more nutrition but it may be a while.
Bad Water Made Beneficial
I am currently using the HCT product. I have really bad water and this product has been a game changer for my business.
Water Quality (ppm):
Bicarbonate 347,
Na & K 849,
Calcium 690,
Magnesium 122,
Nitrates 10.56,
Chloride 1,460,
Sulfate 660.
Entrenos, Inc
San Angelo, TX 76903