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More Precise Answers from Soil Samples

It's important to consider soil sampling techniques, the soils culprits and hindering issues. If you're accustomed to lowering pH and adding gypsum as a normal routine, you’ve also likely observed the soils getting hard, less water penetration, more runoff and more watering frequency over the years. This is the cementation of the soil and it’s getting worse with every watering of acid and addition of gypsum.



  1. It usually starts with evaporative salts – minerals, metals from the water (TDS/EC), then nutrient additives, evaporating to dryness and forming crystals. Not much different than water spots on your windows, iron discoloration from your sprinklers. The longer it goes on, the more wetting and sequestering agents are added, usually making it worse. Then it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, biofilms and toxic bio-gasses (H2S). The next tendency is to treat with gypsum and even more acid. That’s more food for the bacteria and actually produces plaster, drywall, while competing for water. Evaporative crystals are now insoluble to the sulfuric acid, not broken down, accumulate and cement the soils, further promoting biological toxicity. You can see how bad it might really be by doing a total digestion of your soil; the same test used to quantify compost and manure. Shocking how much calcium, iron and aluminum is usually there.

  2. This is the feeding zone, if moist, where vegetation obtains its energy drink, loaded with all the right nutrients. Essential is all the minerals and metals are in an available state - water, oxygen and the detoxification of sodium, chloride, bio-films and bi-toxins including hydrogen sulfide gas, sulfurous wastes and slime barriers. Available nutrition with actual site treated water defines what the watered soil likely has to offer, provided you can get the water throughout the soil and roots. This is difficult to do when layers 1 and 3 are not in check; 1 hindering infiltration and 3 harboring toxins and gasses.

  3. If it exists, the confining layer is where everything may have accumulated and likely became toxic due to holding bio toxins, sodium and chloride. If the toxins are there, we need to treat them so they don’t damage the plant. We have to get chemistry to the layer, through the upper layers, so at some point the treatment may need to be boosted. Keep in mind sodium is very soluble for the plant to access after oxygen, water and nitrogen. Confining layers hold sodium, perpetuate chloride complexes and bio-toxins. It’s important to get them treated, liberate the nutrients, cause soil pore space, infiltration and the potential for flushing where needed.

  4. Slopes -vs- Depressions and collection areas. You’ll see lower areas grow better unless they go biologically bad! This is because runoff TDS/EC – nutrition, and water, even from rain, collects in those areas. The tendency, over tie, the soils get saturated and then toxic. On the slopes, as the water dries, the evaporate salts form quicker, surface hardpan / cake occurs, and it’s similar to putting mortar on block. The aggressive nature of WaterSOLV™ chemistry is designed to gradually medicate these conditions, sustainably, and to the benefit of both the soil and the vegetation.

Increase agronomic efficiencies, ROI and cause sustainability in agronomy. Mitigate chronic agronomical challenges. Maintain supporting technology founded on chemistry, biology and physics.

We excel where scale, corrosion, and biology hinder processes in agriculture, turf, nurseries, water wells, landscape, ponds, marine, drip lines, above and underground emitters. Through proprietary chemistry, science, biology, refined processes, we identify specific problems and offer long term sustainable solutions.

WaterSOLV chemically converts scale to nutrition, restore soil infiltration, detoxify chloride salts including sodium, create an aerobic soil profile, sustainably enhancing crop vitality, grade and even yields usually around 13% with 15-20% less water. Black layer, fairy ring, puddling water, slosh, sodium burn, aerification, sanding, bacteria slime, sod replacement, unnecessary tilling, flushing salts, all minimized at a lower overall cost, with HCT's proprietary chemical additives and our mutual expertise in application and management.

Select WaterSOLV products are registered with NSF Standard 60, Canadian Standards Council, ASTM, UL and the California Department of Food and Agriculture. Technology is founded on chemistry, science, biology and physics, with exceptional, reproducible results nationwide. Contains no sulfur, sulfate, urea, nitrogen or sodium.

Inquiries will be responded to immediately during business hours (7am - 5pm MST)

Phone: (888) 788-5807

Contact HCT directly for a list of qualified distributors, dealers, representatives, engineers, PCA's and CCA's.

Making Water a Better Solution™ | Sustainable Chemistry & Biology to Water™ Well-Klean©, WaterSOLV™, Water Treatment for Agronomy™, Water pHix™ & WaterSOLV™ Grow

are trade names of HCT, LLC



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Manufacturing  located in Los Angeles, CA and Jacksonville, FL. All orders placed with HCT, LLC at the phone and email address noted herein.


Contact HCT directly for a list of qualified distributors, dealers, representatives, engineers, PCA's and CCA's. 


Well-Klean©, WaterSOLV™, Water Treatment for Agronomy™, Water SOLV™ pHix & WaterSOLV™ Grow are trade names of HCT, LLC, all rights reserved.

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