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Safe to handle

1/10 the use rate amount

No bulk containers required. Plug and play packaging

Break down accumulated gypsum and bound nutrients, while restoring soil functionality.

Sequesters water and soil minerals and metals, rendering them available for plant uptake when hydrated

Less use cost with greater efficiency and vegetation production


Resolves bicarbonate, chloride, and sodium issues



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WaterSOLV makes sulfuric and all the headaches that come with it a thing of the past.

This is how WaterSOLV Curative changes some boundaries of agronomy.


1. Infiltration, Available Hydration & Nutrition - The evaporative salts of strong acids do not redissolve by the use of strong acids. In other words, when water is acidified with sulfurous acids, as water evaporates, the minerals (and nutrients) concentrate, nucleate and form crystals. As time goes on, these crystals become more like cement and infiltration of water and nutrients become challenging. Water demand increases, plant vitality suffers due to stress from unavailable hydration and nutrition. Expenses increase as well. 


2. Biology - Additionally, the Sulfur left behind from the use of sulfurous acids, as well as the unwanted nitrogen from the urea, with certain levels of bacteria in the water, feeds sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), also known as black layer. SRB is anaerobic, does not require oxygen, grows exponentially and the rate of growth increases with elevated temperatures to a degree. SRB release hydrogen sulfide gas which is toxic to plants, and when threatened they produce polysaccharide which repels everything - water, nutrition, even strong acids. SRB, also known as black layer, is toxic and expensive to consistently battle with expensive fungicides, aerification, sanding and favorable bacteria. Maintain an aerobic soil profile and win the war of vitality, efficiency and optimum yields.


3. Sustainability - The buildup of cementation leads to applying gypsum, also known as drywall, which is a desiccant, and also leaves behind insoluble calcium oxalate, further hindering infiltration, vegetation vitality and optimum yield. WaterSOLV ingredients are completely sustainable and completely aid in the sustainable fate of soils and vegetation vitality including the addition of amino acids and sugars into the nutritional profile.

4. ROI - Save money, not just in the cost of the acid but the amount of additional water and watering frequency, the increase in stands, plant vitality and enhanced yields, the gain of product and quality, efficiency of nutrition, harvesting of bound nutrition, with less resources and expenses.


5. Sodium - Through the acid, we are remediation and mitigate sodium, sodium chloride, calcium and ferric chloride.



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Manufacturing  located in Los Angeles, CA and Jacksonville, FL. All orders placed with HCT, LLC at the phone and email address noted herein.


Contact HCT directly for a list of qualified distributors, dealers, representatives, engineers, PCA's and CCA's. 


Well-Klean©, WaterSOLV™, Water Treatment for Agronomy™, Water SOLV™ pHix & WaterSOLV™ Grow are trade names of HCT, LLC, all rights reserved.

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