Compatible with most Fertilizers and topical products
Near instant soil remediation
Spot treat problem areas
Try before you buy
No capital expenditure


Apply WaterSOLV™ pHix, or WaterSOLV™ GROW
Before getting started; here are a few statements we have adopted about topically applying products.
Members and ownership hold us responsible and accountable for “their” greens. It's always “Best to Test than Guess” in multiple soil conditions; areas of varying infiltration, and over a 30 to 60 day period.
“Prescription without diagnosis is mal-practice”. Let’s get the right analytical data and apply the right prescription so that we can realize the optimum results.
The right analytical data usually involves specific available nutrition and "Total" soil analysis, perhaps from varying areas and tiers as well. Ask about the Legacy Testing Methods.
Whether the greens are pushup, USGA sand based or other, odds are they have aged. Aging in greens is an accumulation of, or deterioration of matters within a soil profile. If you view the soil as a filter, it is likely more compromised by the accumulation and/or compaction at the surface layers, and perhaps biologically compromised in the lower layers due to reduced porosity and waters within the soil turning septic. Hence why flushing is important.
Naturally one looks at pore space by infiltration rate, moisture retention/percentage, ET, and yet bacteria can create toxic moisture as well as consume pore space and not show in any analytical data. No worries, we got this with you!
2 inches of clay
Granite Rock Base
900 ppm Sodium
7.81 pH
Stripped bermuda
Fairways all summer (PHX, AZ)
Happy worms (plug NO. 4)
16% less water via infiltration efficiency

Getting Started
Start by identifying the problem(s). Is it cementation or biology, or perhaps both? Where is/are the problems? YOU help identify and collect the problem soil. The problem in one spot may act completely different than another and warrants its separate analysis. "Let's collect soil we see or suspect is the actual problem".
The right soil analysis method (The Legacy Method), will show us. Tiered soil analyses help us identify where the problems are located and how we can reach them effectively with the right medicine, and the right amount of medicine at the problematic “constraining” or toxic layer(s).
Take soil samples by tiers (one cup, horizontal no vertical). We may be accustomed to taking samples by 4-inch tiers, but what we really want to do is take samples where we can identify or suspect the problems. The main problems we are looking for;
Toxicity by black layer
Confining layers
Accumulation of water
Accumulation of cementation or dryness
Accumulations of nutrition, minerals, and or metals
Layer of biomatter
Note: Make detailed sample notes
Treatment by Tiers - We assume collection areas will be more compromised than others. You may have been building soil for specific characteristics and the soil beneath may have become anoxic from biology. We may need to decalcify the surface and bioremediate the soils below. Collection areas typically need more treatment.
Physical Compliments - Lets help the product along with non-intrusive needle tine to get the chemistry into the soil.
Topical application is applied to fill pore space. In the beginning you'll fill minimal pore space, and as the chemistry works, you'll fill more. The objective is multiple; break down the problems, sustain turf integrity, create pore space and infiltration.
WaterSOLV™ reaction times vary. WaterSOLV™ CURATIVE 12 hours, WaterSOLV™ BC 72 hours. Biology grows, in fact doubles exponentially about every 15 minutes. Application must be applied diligently every 4th day. Reduce treatment as bacteria colonies are depleted.
Application Rates vary.