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WaterSOLV Program

HCT categorizes water into buckets as minerals, metals, microbes (including biology), sodium, and of course water itself but also some gasses of bicarbonates, chlorides and of significant importance oxygen as well as nitrogen. The industry also looks at other indicators and where some are implied indicators including TDS/EC, pH, SAR, CEC, base saturation and more. Lots of measurements and confusing terms that HCT has normalized and put into buckets for ease of understanding. If you’re accustomed to adding elements to the soil to react with other elements, this will be a big shift in what you have become accustomed to. If you are an advocate of pH, this will have a big change in your processes. All the information is substantiated by research and reproducible real-world applications and results. Usually, vegetation vitality is improved over 15% by growth rate and yields, water necessity reduced 15% by infiltration, costs of the program are totally offset from these, as well as reducing treatment necessities and harvesting nutrients from water and compromised soils (a bell curve). 

In most cases HCT sees the industry has become complacent depending on pH suppression and the addition of gypsum to cause the movement of calcium into the vegetation, even in scenarios where the water has plenty of calcium and sulfate to begin with. Yet the studies that recommended this were for the Pacific Northwest where there is plenty of rain. The study also warned about the soil conditions. Soils data shows us we have ignored that aspect of the report when we do soils analyses correctly and see massive amounts of calcium and sulfate. The saturations of nutrients in our soils reduce pore space and can also create toxicity (USDA/NCRS – UC Davis). 


You perform water analyses that indicate the elements in the water and we assume hard water is bad, high sodium is bad, and yet we see several thousand ppm’s of calcium and sulfate in our soils are okay, and we plan to add more but with acid. Yet season to season we see the level of not only these but also the other elements building up in our soil.


Would you like to see a game changer?

Have your soil exchangeable, cations and metals, titrated with HCl and H2O2. See 10 to 100 times the amount of insoluble minerals and metals in your soils that are hindering vegetation vitality from a multitude of reasons, mainly unavailable nutrition, nutrient and biological toxicity and lack of pore space in the soil.


Did you know the Mehlich method of determining the exchangeables in soils went through three iterations? Now there is a new method presented to you by HCT.

Chemistry &

  • 1/10th the amount of acid – safe to the user

    • Treat the elements to re-hydrate when exposed to moisture and water. 

  • Incorporating WaterSOLV BC - Treat bio issues and add continuous chemical aerification

  • Plug and play containers of the products (totes, drums, pails)

    • No bulk tanks, bulk refills, or double containment necessities

  • The same use cost as sulfurous acids, while significantly decreasing gypsum applications

  • Soil remediation & harvesting of existing bound nutrients

    • Significant improvement on crop vitality & yield

  • Sustainable, environmentally sound, No “N” or “S” pollutants

  • Converts bad water and soils to ($$$)

  • Emitters get clean and stay clean, no annual cleaning or plugged emitters.

  • Mix in with your fertilizer, and liberate it!


Learn how to get started with WaterSOLV

Download our
Application Calculator

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Manufacturing  located in Los Angeles, CA and Jacksonville, FL. All orders placed with HCT, LLC at the phone and email address noted herein.


Contact HCT directly for a list of qualified distributors, dealers, representatives, engineers, PCA's and CCA's. 


Well-Klean©, WaterSOLV™, Water Treatment for Agronomy™, Water SOLV™ pHix & WaterSOLV™ Grow are trade names of HCT, LLC, all rights reserved.

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