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Sequester the soluble salts so that they will not complex. 


Disassociate the complexes in soils and sequester them, so they remain hydratable for plant uptake.

Detoxify the toxicity of sodium, chloride and allegedly boron.


Assure soils stay aerobic (oxygen rich), and pore space ample, as to transport essentials throughout the root zone and to alleviate any soil confining layers.


Assure infiltration rate and depth of treated water and nutrition.


Minimize the over accumulation of salts, nutrients and bio-matter in the soils pore space.   


Replenish soils nutrient reserves based on total soil analyses 


Assure treated water through the soil liberates the essential nutrients while maintaining oxygen and a soluble sodium under 20%.

Water Quality

The universal solvent, water, that we use to hydrate our vegetation through soils and a soil media, contains H2O, but many waters contain more than just H2O. Plants cannot survive on H2O alone. They have to have nutrients. What are nutrients versus toxins? What is the value of your water, through soils, for the production of your crops and long-term operability of your soils?

It’s not common the water and its contents are the problem. The problems occur when the water is reduced and the elements in the water are left behind, which then concentrate, nucleate with bicarbonate gas, chloride or natural anion attraction (valence), and form a crystal. Collectively the salts in water, measured as EC or TDS, in water, are available nutrients, other than excessive sodium. The soluble nutrients are consumed, what isn’t consumed, and left to evaporate to dryness, forms crystals, what we refer to as evaporative salts, like a hard water spot is created. As we do this over and over with acre feet of water, the accumulated salts, and added nutrients, begin sealing off the soils, both restricting the infiltration of most essential nutrients, including water for hydration and oxygen. Where water bacteria are prevalent, and bacteria food source from water or soils, water in soils can have a tendency to become septic, increasing numbers of bacteria and their toxic wastes.

Over time, the accumulation of salts/nutrition in our soils become nutritional toxicity as the essential needs are not available to the root zones, the plant experiences stress and mal nutrition, and does not perform. Septic soils perpetuate disease. 


Rain makes an enormous difference, mainly because it brings H2O, nitrogen, but also enormous amounts of oxygen. Once these products are utilized by the plant, the next easily soluble products are sodium and zinc, which in turn, cause the vegetation to stress. The essential nutrients remain locked up in the soil. If soil infiltration is good, Nitrogen, water, oxygen, sodium and zinc are readily flushable, but the least flushable are not only the essential nutrients but also most bio-matter from bacteria.  


It's an easy water test of the waters “soluble salts” and whether the water is beneficial or harmful; Calcium + Magnesium + Potassium percentage to Sodium. Where if sodium is greater than 20%, the water is toxic. How we fix this in detoxifying the sodium, and or decreasing the sodium percentage by increasing the “beneficial cations” of calcium, magnesium, potassium and perhaps phosphate and lime. 


Reclaim water has the potential to be valuable as it is loaded with nutrients and deficient sodium. But reclaim can also be loaded with biomatter, bacteria, pathogens and also be oxygen deficient. By addressing each characteristic in a suitable and sustainable matter, reclaim water could be less expensive to use and provide nutrition that would normally need to be purchased in fertilizer. 


Potable water would be biologically treated and fall within potable drinkable water guidelines minimizing the hardness and toxicity. In turn, it’s continued use also minimizes the number of elements that would build up in the soil, as well as the amount of nutrients that might accumulate in the soil. 

Looking at water

what do we see? 

Nutrient in the soluble form, scale former in the evaporated form, caused by complexing with Bicarbonate, Chloride and or natural valence (+/- i.e. potassium phosphate, calcium sulfate/gypsum), and or a matrix with bacteria and biomatter.


Note: Extractable nutrient (ppm) × 2 = pounds of the extractable nutrient per acre     

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Manufacturing  located in Los Angeles, CA and Jacksonville, FL. All orders placed with HCT, LLC at the phone and email address noted herein.


Contact HCT directly for a list of qualified distributors, dealers, representatives, engineers, PCA's and CCA's. 


Well-Klean©, WaterSOLV™, Water Treatment for Agronomy™, Water SOLV™ pHix & WaterSOLV™ Grow are trade names of HCT, LLC, all rights reserved.

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