Vigorous vitality at toxic Sodium levels
Treat Sodium so that it is non-toxic
Treat Chloride so that it is non-toxic
Tear apart the complexes of chloride elements and sequester them to be non-toxic, and available nutrition.
Release bound nutrients in soils, while restoring soil health, infiltration, operability, and vegetation production
Break down and mitigate toxic, confining bio-exudates, while adding oxygen
Increase water use efficiency and efficacy
Create always hydratable dissolved nutrients that will not compromise soil pore space


Better said as “Chloride Salts” which includes sodium, but also sodium chloride, potassium chloride, calcium chloride, ammonium chloride, hydrogen chloride, ferric chloride, zinc chloride and even boron.
Chloride is a very weak base as indicated by the negative value of the pKa of hydrochloric acid. Chloride can be protonated by strong acids. Protonating or de-protonating a molecule or ion can change many other chemical properties, not just the charge and mass, for example; solubility, hydrophilicity, reduction potential, and optical properties can change. Sodium chloride has also been shown to change the composition of microbial species at relatively low concentrations. It can also hinder the denitrification process, a microbial process essential to nitrate removal and the conservation of water quality, and inhibit the nitrification and respiration of organic matter.
Where conventional agronomy has to deal with sodium somehow, someway, they would try to bind it with calcium and or organic matter, or try to flush it with enormous amounts of water through the soil and the root zone. This requires healthy soils throughout, from ground zero to well below the root zone.
To “detoxify” the toxins, vegetation needs need their medicines, their nutrients – no different than the amount of chemistry necessary to treat the minerals, metals and microbes. HCT has not developed a quantitative measurement for sodium and chloride. However, the linear treatments for water have proven successful, thus far, without failure, to some of the most sodium, chloride ridden waters in the country. “The best looking nut leaves I’ve ever seen and yet the sodium and Chloride levels were over 1,000 ppm, each”, Bakersfield, CA
To amend the soils, one must apply a surplus of WaterSOLV™ Curative, and or WaterSOLV™ BC, along with water, to;
A) Get water down throughout the soil and root zone
B) Get the toxins treated.
WaterSOLV™ Curative treats the minerals and metals gradually, but we need to treat all the sodium and chloride before the plant drinks it. The solution is to over treat and overwater.
2. Do not discount the WaterSOLV™ BC. Soils need oxygen and control over iron and sulfur bacteria exudates from the water as well as whatever has accumulated in the soil.
3. If you NEED more treatment for the sodium and chlorides, then increase the application amount perhaps ½ of 1% of the WaterSOLV™ AG Concentrate. The key is getting it down and throughout the root zones, including into any confining layers.
Do not expect salt levels to decrease, just expect to not see salt issues.
Being salt is “very soluble”, as we fix the soils, it should be one of the first elements to pass through the soil and past the root zones, if the infiltration goes that deep. If not, these may be a confining layer where the sedum an chloride have been accumulating. That region may require additional WaterSOLV™ AG Concentrate. Untreated slats already the vegetation will be pushed out, followed by healthy cells thereafter.
Salts is a monster, as are chloride, bicarbonate and natural valence. Like bicarbonate locks up calcium and magnesium, chloride locks up a lot more.
When you compare the solubility of the salts in water and soil, against the crop necessity, what you find is quite the example that you have observed but perhaps not
Highly Soluble:
Oxygen > Water > Nitrogen Rain > Flush of growth
Once these are consumed by the plant, then we see damage;
Sodium, Chloride, Zinc
Perhaps some phosphate, followed by potassium, any soluble magnesium, calcium, manganese, and copper.
Last to participate in the uptake, if ever;
Calcium, Iron, Aluminum
This why you look at the soils available nutrition with you treated water, and its total soil composition.
Available nutrition has to be sufficient to minimize the soluble sodium percentage under 20%, adding more nutrition or liberating more form the soil by increasing the waters capability.
Total soil composition shows us what we have to mine from the soil, and when replenishment of the nutriments need to be made, and how much, without compromising to soils operability.


Total Hardness 950 ppm
Bicarbonate Alkalinity 137 ppm
Sulfate 1,134 ppm
Chloride 1,028 ppm
Phosphate 0.61 ppm